Friday, February 1, 2008

Well, todaay i'm going to tell a short story,

it's about a little girl..
she isn’t a normal girl.. she doesn’t go to school with the other kids, she keepsat home all day, the rain days, the sun days, in spring, in summer.. always.! Why? I'm not shure but..
all pepole says that she's scared, scared with all around her, all the little things.. but novody know for what.

Every morning she wake up very urly 'cause she like look how the sun let shine..

She, stay always in her window.. always in a profund silenc.. just looking and looking.

She know, all the the diferent birds (especies), she know.. the specific days that all the small and big animals go away.. it's very strange but, she is like a open book.

She doesn't talk a lot.. but.. if you know her.. it's the perfect whay to introduces you in a diferent world.. with a lot of magic. A world that you can shere with SHE. every second, every minut, EVER! =)

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